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报价零利润 苹果iPad mini价格1800元

Apple's iPad Mini price of 1800 yuan

2015-03-16 07:06:18来源: 新浪

苹果推出的iPad mini可以说是具有里程碑意义的产品,不仅尺寸小了,而且更加轻薄了。更适合文艺范们携带。脱去沉重的外壳,厚重的盔甲,轻薄机身。目前这款的产品16GB/WIFI版报价1800元。 ...

Apple launched the iPad Mini offer zero profits can be said is the milepost sense has not only products, small size, but more lightweight. More suitable for the van they carry. Take off the heavy shell, heavy armor, thin body. At present this product 16GB/WIFI edition price 1800 yuan. ...

标签: 苹果