新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宜家欲打造天津市第二个商场 计划2018年开业

宜家欲打造天津市第二个商场 计划2018年开业

Ikea to make tianjin a second store plan which opened in 2018

2016-10-24 16:25:48来源: 东方财富网

方便,快捷 手机查看财经快讯 专业,丰富 一手掌握市场脉搏 10月24日消息,继东丽宜家店之后,宜家将于西青区中北镇打造其在天津的第二个商场。同时,天津也将成为继北京、上海、成都之后,第4...

Convenient, quick check financial professional, and rich In one hand grasp the pulse of the market on October 24, news, after toray ikea store, ikea will Bei Town xiqing district of building its second store in tianjin. At the same time, tianjin will be a and after Beijing, Shanghai, chengdu, 4...