新关注 > 信息聚合 > 甘肃省电影《耳蜗》《黄天厚土》获奖


Gansu province film cochlear HuangTianHouTu award

2016-11-20 06:37:18来源: 人民网甘肃视窗

近日在河北秦皇岛山海关景区举行的首届中国影视基地产业峰会上传来好消息,我省电影《耳蜗》《黄天厚土》双双斩获“2016年度优秀剧情类影片”奖,两部影片的摄制方甘肃风行影视公司剧组则喜获“2016年度优秀剧组”殊荣。 此次峰会是中国影视基地发展30多年来举办的首次全国性产业峰会,旨在总结...

Recently in hebei qinhuangdao shanhaiguan scenic spot at the first Chinese film and television base industry summit spread the good news, our province film the cochlea "HuangTianHouTu" have both won the "2016 outstanding drama of the year" award, in the film cast party gansu popular film and television company is made "excellent cast of 2016" title. The summit is the development of Chinese film and television base first national industry summit held for more than 30 years, aims to summarize...

标签: 电影