新关注 > 信息聚合 > 保定徐水:小小鞋垫成富民产业(图)


Baoding Xu Shui: small insoles into the prosperous industry (photo)

2017-07-17 01:02:50来源: 河北新闻网

7月15日,保定市徐水区呈祥源鞋垫厂工人在包装鞋垫。保定市徐水区户木乡立足当地产业基础,全乡成规模的鞋垫及相关用品生产厂家有126家,从业人员达万余人,年生产鞋垫两亿双,年产值达1.3亿元,三分之一产品出口俄罗斯、乌克兰等国家,成为当地富民产业。 记者杜柏桦、通讯员臧艳霞摄影报道。

On July 15, Xu Shui district of baoding city ChengXiang source insole factory workers in the packaging insoles. Xu Shui district of baoding city township household wood based on local industry foundation, the entire town into the size of the insole and related products manufacturers has 126, practitioners into people, an annual production two hundred million pairs of insoles, annual output value of 130 million yuan, products are exported to Russia, Ukraine and other countries in a third, become rich local industry. Reporter Du Baihua, correspondent reported ZangYanXia photography.