新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微信:朋友圈诱导用户分享等违规行为将被封号


WeChat: friends violations such as induction of users to share would be titles

2018-02-13 02:51:28来源: 中国经济网

人民网北京2月11日电 据微信官网消息,微信团队今日发布公告称,微信朋友圈对于链接的传播有防刷屏机制,近期发现有一些企业和机构存在绕过机制,在微信上进行恶意违规及对抗行为,包括但不限于通过批量域名或...

People's Daily Beijing February 11, according to the micro letter's official website micro letter today, according to the announcement of micro letter friends have brush screen prevention mechanism to link the spread of, recently found that some enterprises and institutions is to bypass mechanism, malicious violations and confrontation in the field of micro letter behavior, including but not limited to, through the domain or...