新关注 > 信息聚合 > 力邀知名音乐人《桃花源记2》砸百万重金造主题曲


Invited well-known musicians "the peach garden 2 millions hit heavily to build theme song

2016-11-10 08:48:29来源: 新浪

由360游戏独家代理运营,国民女神宋茜倾情代言的开放式新派回合《桃花源记2》即将开启终极内测!此次内测推出的“这回合 放开玩”的游戏概念,意在为玩家们打造一个经济开放、社交开放、成长开放的良性游戏生态环境,让玩家可以轻松游戏,快乐成长!此外,《桃花源记2》还怒砸百万重金,重磅打造《桃花源...

By the sole agent operating 360 games, the national goddess Victoria song of divas endorsement to open new round "the peach garden 2" will open the ultimate closed! The closed beta launch "this round let go play the game of" concept, intended to for players to create an open, social economy, benign growth open game environment, let the easy game, joyful growth! In addition, "the peach garden 2 millions and anger hit heavily, big building" the peach garden...