新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苹果近日获得新专利:未来iPhone将用360柔性屏


Apple recently obtained new patents: the future iPhone will use 360 flexible screens

2016-06-15 10:00:09来源: TechWeb

【手机中国 新闻】日前,外媒消息称,苹果在近日又获得了美国专利与商标局的一项新专利技术。这项专利的名称为“配备环绕式屏幕的电子设备”,专利申请文件显示,该专利允许一款设备至少拥有一个透明的外壳和柔性AMOLED屏幕,而结合专利中的配图来看,支持这项专利技术的设备,其正面、背面和侧面将全部...

Mobile phone Chinese news 】 【 recently, foreign media reported that apple won the United States patent and trademark office in recently, a new patented technology. The patent for the name of "electronic devices equipped with surround type screen", patent application documents, according to the patent allows a device with at least a transparent shell and flexible AMOLED screen, and the pictures in the combination of patent, support the patent technology of equipment, its front, back and side will all...

标签: 苹果