新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小米枪战视频征集大赛开启 大吉大利赢万元大奖

小米枪战视频征集大赛开启 大吉大利赢万元大奖

Millet shooting video contest open Good luck to win award of $ten thousand

2017-11-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

拥有高颜值的小米枪战将于11月15日正式公测,这款采用虚幻4引擎开发的射击手游得到众多玩家的期待。在进入游戏大秀枪法,实战训练,体验游戏乐趣的同时,我们还为你准备了施展才华的舞台,西瓜视频和小米枪战官方联合举办视频有奖征集大赛,大吉大利今晚一起赢万元大奖! 如果你是游戏迷,来秀一波操作,解说、教学任你选。如果你是视频达人,鬼畜、配音、配乐等等更多玩法任你发挥……千种形式,万种表达,由你来定! 优秀作品可获得专题展示机会,将得到更多曝光,还不快来参赛! 活动规则 1.在头条号平台上传标题中含“小米枪战王者时刻”关键词的原创视频(关键词必须加在主标题)即可参赛,参赛视频没有数量限制。...

Have a high level of appearance of millet gun will officially open beta on November 15, it USES the unreal engine 4 shooting hand tour of the development are numerous players look forward to. As you enter the big game show marksmanship, actual combat training, experience the fun game at the same time, we also for you talent stage, watermelon video and millet shooting video, jointly organized by official prize contest, prosperous win ten thousand yuan award tonight! If you are a gamer, to show a wave of operation, the explanation, your choice of teaching. If you are a video, ghost livestock, voice, music, and so on more game you play... One thousand forms, ten thousand kinds of expression, up to you to decide! Outstanding works project opportunity is available, and will get more exposure, not to play! Activity rule 1. In the headline number platform to upload the title contains "millet shooting the moment of the king" key words of the original video (keywords must be added in the main title) can, video has no limit. ...

标签: 视频