新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩星宋康昊将出演李俊益导演新片《思悼》


Han Song Kang-ho will play Li Junyi directed film "thinking Mourning"

2014-04-02 23:40:51来源: 青岛网络电视台

宋康昊 李俊益导演 新浪娱乐讯韩国艺人宋康昊将出演李俊益导演执导的古装片《思悼》。影片《思悼》讲述了朝鲜历史上,出身显赫的世子思悼被父亲关进米柜活活饿死的故事,该片将于今年上半年开拍。 ...

Song Kang-ho director Li Junyi LOS ANGELES Korean artist Song Kang-ho will star in director Li Junyi costume film directed by "thinking Mourning." Movie "Mourning thinking" about Korean history, was born the eldest son of illustrious father thought Mourning was starved to death locked cabinet meters story, the film will begin shooting in the first half of this year. ...