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SR式神解析 《阴阳师》手游骨女详解

The SR hellspawn parsing Onmyoji mobile game bone female explanation

2016-10-09 00:25:13来源: 新浪

骨女是阴阳师手游中的SR式神,骨女的暴击和攻击力都是比较强力的,但是生命力属性不是很强大!我们可以通过御魂来增强式神的生命值!下面就和小编一起看看吧! 式神技能 1、骨刃:普攻造成攻击力100%的伤害,无特效 2、怨生:骨女受到攻击会制上1枚怨气标记,累计4枚怨气标记,骨女死亡后会...

Bone is female Onmyoji mobile game of SR hellspawn, bone woman crit and damage are relatively strong, but the vitality of the attribute is not very powerful! We can be enhanced by royal soul hellspawn life value! Below small make up together and see! Hellspawn skills: 1, bone blade's attack damage 100% of the damage, the effects of 2, hatred: bone female will attack on one of her mark in the system, total 4 pieces of anger tag, bone female after death...

标签: 手游