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济南:大学生图便宜网购iPhone5s 竟是安卓系统

Ji'nan: college students map cheap online shopping iPhone5s are the Android

2015-01-12 15:21:40来源: 大众网

苹果手机,装的竟是安卓系统,小蒋顿时有了上当的感觉,他赶紧联系了卖家。”小蒋告诉记者,这已经不是卖家第一次作出退钱的承诺了,每次到了约定时间,对方就是不给他退钱,让他很无奈。 购买iPhone手机竟是安卓系统(视频截图) 商家在网上做出的承诺。(视频截图) 58同城上的iPhone...

Apple mobile phone, charging is unexpectedly Android, young Chiang suddenly a feeling fooled, he hastened to contact the seller." Xiao Jiang told reporters, this is not the first to make a refund sellers promise, every time at the appointed time, the other is not to give him the money back, so he was helpless. Buy iPhone mobile phone was Android (video) businesses in the online commitments. (video) the city of 58 iPhone...

标签: 安卓