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《罗德岛战记》4.15新服狂欢 九大活动爽翻天

"Rhodes Island Senki" 4.15 new clothes Carnival nine activities cool earthshaking

2016-04-15 11:09:08来源: 17173

这一次,为解封觉醒!今晚(4月15日)19:00,大型奇幻战斗网游《罗德岛战记》新服将火爆全开!为了能让新手在罗德岛大陆上尽情驰骋,也为了能让骑士们享受到一场史无前例的奇幻之旅,游戏特推出九大活动助阵新服,登陆就送豪礼,双倍经验相赠,更有千百颗星光石倾情奉上!精彩多多,不容错过哦! 【...

This time, as the awakening! Tonight (April 15th) 19:00, large fantasy fighting game "Rhodes Island Senki" the new service will open fire! In order to let the novice at Rhodes island on the mainland to gallop, but also to allow the riders to enjoy a fantastic journey There was no parallel in history., nine games launched special activities to help out the new service, landing send Hao Li, double experience with gifts, more thousands of stars in the stone portrait! Wonderful many, can not miss! [...