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《毁灭战士4》超萌手办 谁说这是恐怖游戏

Doom 4 super of hands to do Who said this is horror game

2016-04-18 09:54:22来源: 环球网

《毁灭战士4》作为同《雷神之锤》,《虚幻竞技场》相辅相成的经典射击游戏,这部第一款采用id Tech 6引擎的画质大作即将正式发售。 专门打造各种萌系手办的厂商Funko发布一批全新可动手办,即《毁灭战士4》主角星际战士以及邪魔,单评论手办,谁敢说这是恐怖游戏,况且游戏为新一代用户平...

The doom 4 as with the quake, "unreal tournament" complementary classic shooting game, the first paragraph of the id Tech 6 engine quality work is about to launch. Specially develop all kinds of hand of department of the manufacturer Funko released a batch of new hands-on, namely doom 4 character space marines and demons, single comment on hand to run, who dare say that this is a horror game, besides the game to a new generation of user level...

标签: 游戏