新关注 > 信息聚合 > 潍坊市民网购电脑发现碎屏未签收 快递员"买单"

潍坊市民网购电脑发现碎屏未签收 快递员"买单"

The people of Weifang online shopping computer found a broken screen does not sign the courier "pay"

2015-04-30 10:36:03来源: 大众网

平板电脑屏幕破裂。 近日,奎文区金都时代新城小区居民韩女士从淘宝网购买了一台平板电脑,收货时发现屏幕破裂,并且快件的外包装也破了,她立即联系了商家和快递员协商解决。4月29日,为韩女士送快件的快递员为避免被投诉遭受处罚,已经出钱将这台平板电脑买下来。 快件包装开道口 29日,...

tablet computer screen is broken. Recently, Kuiwei District Golden Age metro area residents Ms. Han from taobao.com to buy a tablet computer, when receiving found the screen rupture, packaging and shipment is also broken, she immediately contact the merchants and courier consultation. In April 29th, Ms. Han for express delivery courier complaints to avoid being punished, this will have to buy tablet computer. The express mail packages to run 29 days,...