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鹿晗关晓彤半年后必分手? 最大赢家是谁?

Exo xiaotong guan will break up after half a year? Who is the big winner?

2017-10-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

这两天朋友圈被鹿晗和关晓彤刷爆,两个人除了成功拯救了薛之谦之外,还让所有人见识了什么叫超级流量,什么叫微博卡顿到崩溃。 按正常‘套路’来说,通常一个事件如果没有后续的话,热度不会超过一个星期,但是鹿晗欧巴是个例外,和关晓彤谈恋爱的新闻到现在还依旧火爆,这两天热度刚有所减弱,然而王校长的一条朋友圈又把这话题带到了巅峰。 根据以往的经验,王校长的很多次预言都很准确,估计是娱乐圈强大的人脉所起到的作用,使得王校长对娱乐圈很多明星都非常了解,甚至是私生活都很了解。 所以这次……还真不好说。不过就算是王校长的预言依旧准确的话,相信到时候的场景也是鹿晗的粉丝对着关晓彤猛烈批评——这种场...

Circle of friends in the past two days were exo and xiaotong guan maxed, two people in addition to successfully save the memory, also for all to see what is called super flow, what is micro boca to collapse. According to normal 'routine, usually an event if no follow-up, the heat can't more than a week, but Lu Han Obama was the exception, in love with xiaotong guan news it is still hot, this two days just less heat, however, the king of the headmaster's circle of friends and a brought this issue to top. Based on past experience, the headmaster wang many times the predictions are very accurate, estimation is strong contacts that play the role of the entertainment circle, makes the headmaster wang for showbiz many stars are very understanding, and even personal life are very understanding. So this time... Return true to say. But even the king of the headmaster's prophecy is still accurate, believe that scene is then Lu Han fans on the xiaotong guan criticism -- this field...