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PS4版《热血高校 燃烧边缘》新图流出

PS4 edition of the blood of colleges and universities burn the edge of it out

2016-08-05 09:01:25来源: 中关村在线

Bandai Namco正式确认PS4版《热血高校 燃烧边缘》将在2016年10月27日发售,售价6800(实体)/6120(数字)日元。本作改编自漫画《热血高校》,是一部以群雄割据的户亚留市为舞台,全新描述热鸦们故事的干架动作游戏。游戏中可以通过铃兰高校的主人公坊屋春道和户亚留市四大天...

Bandai Namco officially confirmed PS4 edition of the blood of colleges and universities combustion edge will go on sale in October 27, 2016, 6800 (entity) / 6120 yen (number). Adapted from the comic "the blood of colleges and universities", this book is a door to pack regime, leave the city for the stage, a new hot bittern their stories of fighting action game. The game can through the hero of the lilies of the valley college lane house, spring and door and leave the city four days...

标签: PS4 PS