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Tencent robotics laboratory established, poached Microsoft AI higher-ups

2018-03-15 13:24:00来源: 品途网

品途商业评论讯 北京时间3月15日,在“腾讯AI Lab第二届学术论坛”上,腾讯AI Lab宣布与施普林格·自然集团(Springer Nature)旗下的自然科研(Nature Research)正式达成战略合作,共同推动“AI+医疗”领域的跨学科研究,促进AI产学研一体化。腾讯副总裁姚星在该论坛上公布了腾讯AI Lab三大战略发展方向,第一个方向是打造通用AI之路;第二个方向是打造虚拟世界到现实世界的连接体,腾讯将成立机器人实验室,与AI实验室成为公司最重要的两个实验室,成为连接虚拟和现实世界的重要部分;第三个方向是腾讯要聚焦医疗战略。腾讯与施普林格...

Product business review) Beijing time on March 15, in the "tencent AI  Lab of the second academic BBS "on, tencent AI  Lab with springer, natural group (Springer  Nature) of natural science (Nature  Research) officially reached a strategic cooperation and jointly promote the interdisciplinary Research in the field of "AI + medical", promote the AI production-teaching-research combination. Tencent vice President Yao Xing on the BBS published three strategic development direction, tencent AI Lab first direction is the path to creating common AI; The second direction is to build a virtual world to real world connection body, tencent will establish robotics laboratory, with the AI lab to become one of the most important two laboratories, become an important part connected to the virtual and real world; The third direction is tencent will focus on the medical strategy. Tencent and springer...

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