新关注 > 信息聚合 > 徐高春副厅长赴东方电子商务产业园调研


Deputy director of the Xu Gaochun to the East e-commerce Industrial Park Research

2015-01-21 21:40:26来源: 和讯网

为进一步推进我省电子商务发展,1月19日,徐高春副厅长赴杭州东方电子(000682,股吧)商务产业园调研,厅电商处负责人等随行。 调研组一行先后走访了车蚂蚁、MR.I电商创新基地、贝贝网和智酷金融、定格动画等企业,并听取了产业园相关负责人的工作汇报。 徐高春副厅长充分肯定了东方电...

to further promote the development of electronic commerce in our province, in January 19th, deputy director of the Xu Gaochun to the Hangzhou Dongfang Electronics (000682, shares) Business Industrial Park research, Hall electric department responsible person accompanying. Research group and his party has visited the ant, MR.I electric business innovation base, Beibei net and Chi cool financial, stop motion animation and other enterprises, and listened to the work report of the relevant person in charge of industrial park. Xu Gaochun deputy director of fully affirmed the Oriental electric...

标签: 电子商务