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Outside the star trek series first VR games this fall

2016-06-13 11:04:55来源: 和讯网

若你很是痴迷《星际迷航》,并期待有一天能够登上一架星际飞船。那么,你的机会来了。育碧已经开启了首部科幻系列虚拟现实游戏——Star Trek: Bridge Crew的测试项目。 号外《星际迷航》系列首部VR游戏今秋问世 游戏故事背景的灵感来源于JJ Abrams版本的《星际迷航》...

If you are obsessed with "star trek", and look forward to one day aboard a starship. So, here is your opportunity. Ubisoft has opened the first science fiction series of virtual reality games, Star Trek: Bridge Crew test project. Outside the star trek series first VR games this fall The game story background was inspired by JJ Abrams version of "star trek"...