新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《关云长》手游副将攻略 公会战奇效副将

《关云长》手游副将攻略 公会战奇效副将

"Kuan" Mobile Games Lieutenant Lieutenant Qixiao Raiders guild war

2016-03-28 15:49:42来源: 一游网

《关云长》手游中拥有相当数量副将设置,副将搭配对于战斗的影响不容小觑。有些武将在日常PK中没有突出的表现,但是放到公会战中,会有意想不到的效果。今天就为大家推荐鲁肃、甄姬、曹仁和徐庶,这些武将特殊技能会在团战中发挥奇特作用! 鲁肃天命技能-好施,沉默地方全体5秒,减少终极技能的冷却时...

"Kuan" in Mobile Games has a considerable number of Lieutenant Lieutenant on the battle of collocation setting, the impact should not be underestimated. Some generals have not been prominent in the daily PK in performance, but in the public campaign, there will be an unexpected effect. Today we recommend Lu Su Zhen Ji, Cao Renhe, Xu Shu, the generals will play a unique role in the special skills in team battles! My destiny - skills and generosity, silent place all 5 seconds, reduce the ultimate cooling...

标签: 手游