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LoveLive! 手游海未 UR 早已被玩坏

Lovelive! Hand swam in the sea not ur already is playing bad

2015-07-25 17:49:00来源: 和讯网

第1页LoveLive! 手游海未 UR 早已被玩坏 《LoveLive!》在 6 月 30 日新增了 2 张非常有夏日气息的海未 UR 卡,一张是在庭院捧着西瓜,一张则是在游乐园大玩水枪,其中玩水枪的这一张 UR 卡却意外成为恶搞素材,也让海未成了这个夏天最强大的「乱入王」到处射水...

page 1 lovelive! Hand swam in the sea without ur already be playing bad "lovelive!" on June 30, added 2 very breath of summer sea not ur card, a is in the courtyard holding a watermelon, a is in the amusement park to play water gun, which play gun this a ur card unexpectedly become a parody of the material, also let the sea have become this summer the most powerful "chaos into King" full of water jet.

标签: 手游