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搭2.0TSI发动机 疑似凌渡380TSI曝光

A 2.0TSI engine suspected Ling Du 380TSI exposure

2015-02-17 11:41:35来源: 中国新闻网

前段时间,我们报道上海大众计划推出凌渡380TSI运动版的消息,日前,我们获得了疑似凌渡380TSI运动版的谍照。 外观方面,测试车的外观与目前在售的车型相似,不过与现款车型配备单边双出排气管不...

some time ago, we reported that Shanghai Volkswagen plans to launch Ling Du 380TSI sports version of the news, recently, we obtained the suspected Ling Du 380TSI sports version of the spy. Appearance, the test car appearance and is currently in the sale of the models are similar, but with cash models equipped with unilateral double exhaust pipe is not...