新关注 > 信息聚合 > 横板射击MMO《Warside》登录Steam测试


MMO "Warside" plate shooting log Steam test

2015-05-08 06:40:56来源: 太平洋游戏网

由俄罗斯游戏工作室Kraken Games开发的多人横版射击游戏《Warside》正式在Steam平台测试。在这款游戏中,玩家将出生在三个银河系互相征伐的奇幻世界中,你可以选择其中一个势力加入并为其战斗。同时在游戏中,玩家需要以夺取资源为目运用的角色战斗技能和灵活地走位与其他势力的小队展...

by the Russian Pacific Games network game studio Kraken Games developed more than horizontal shooter "Warside" in the official Steam platform test. In this game, game player will be born to each other in the three fantasy world conquest of the Milky Way system, you can choose one of the battle and join forces. At the same time in the game, game player needs to seize the resources for the purpose of using the role of combat skills and flexibility to take place with other forces team exhibition...

标签: Steam