新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高考完曾包夜!那些年在网吧通宵的网游盘点


The college entrance examination has night! Those years in the Internet cafes all night online inventory

2015-06-25 13:48:15来源: 17173

网吧算是我们最早接触网游的主要场地,当然现在的孩子们比我们当年幸福多了。相信绝大多数老玩家都曾有过在网吧里日夜战斗的经历。特别是高考结束以后,既有闲钱又有时间当时的首选就是冲入网吧战个痛快!这一战就是一整夜。 很多早期等级是王道的游戏亦或是局域网游戏在通宵时都是异常的火热。但如今家用电...

Internet is our first contact with the main site, of course, now the children than we were happy. Believe that the vast majority of old players have been in the Internet cafe in the night and night battle experience. Especially after the end of the college entrance examination, not only have the money and time into the cafe is the first choice of a good fight! This war is all night. Many of the early grades is the king of the game or LAN game is abnormal hot at night. But now household electricity...

标签: 网游