新关注 > 信息聚合 > 独立唯美手游《鲤》8月7日登陆全球 App Store

独立唯美手游《鲤》8月7日登陆全球 App Store

Independent aesthetic Tour "carp" August 7 landing global app Store

2015-08-05 19:18:41来源: 4399

曾经在摩点网成功完成众筹的独立唯美手游《鲤》日前又曝出了新消息,即官方宣布该游戏将于8月7日登陆全球 App Store。该作的画风清新,主题鲜明,讲述一个以小博大的故事,主人公小鲤鱼对未知世界探索的旅程。 《鲤》的游戏玩法十分简单,你将随着小鲤鱼,闯过各个跌宕起伏的关卡,在纯净的水域...

once at mount point network successfully completed all the chips in the independent aesthetic Tour "carp" recently discovered a new message, officially announced the game will be on August 7, landing global app store. The style is fresh, distinctive theme, tells the story of a with small broad story, the hero little carp to the unknown world exploration journey. "Carp" game play is very simple, you will with small carp, crashed through all the ups and downs of the level, in the pristine waters...

标签: 手游 APP