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《卧龙吟》六周年 君临天下再造策略巅峰

The wolong Yin "sixth anniversary Reigns for reengineering strategy

2017-06-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

自2011年6月8日公测以来,《卧龙吟》坚守策略,不忘初心,已然走过六年。历经浮沉与风雨,迎来6岁生日的卧龙吟而今再度出击,“君临天下”誓言再造策略游戏巅峰。 《卧龙吟》用6年时间阐述了什么是策略游戏。策略游戏绝不是简单的数值堆砌,应该是充满智慧的对垒,一个关键的眩晕、一次偶尔的暴击或者一次成功的迷惑,都将成为胜败的关键。兵种、士气、布阵、武将等种种元素相互作用,由此演变出战场的万种变化。 烽火连天战鼓震天,君临天下再战沙场,《卧龙吟》六周年特别版本“君临天下”,在经历了长达数月的研发调试之后,终于与今日在全平台正式上线了! 【红主公君临天下,公孙修阎罗现世】 本次更新后,曹...

Since June 8, 2011 open beta, "wolong Yin" strategy, don't forget to beginner's mind, already past six years. After floating with the wind and rain, for 6 years old birthday of wolong songs now one more shot, "rides" the oath reengineering strategy game. The wolong songs with 6 years expounds what is a strategy game. Strategy games is by no means a simple numerical pile, fights should be full of wisdom and a key of dizziness, occasionally a crit or a successful, the key for successful will be. > > >, morale, disposal, military commanders and other elements interact, thus developed ten thousand kinds of change in the battlefield. War-torn war drums loud, reigns again war battlefield, the wolong Yin "sixth anniversary special edition" rides ", after months of research and development of debugging, and finally in the whole platform is launched today! 【 red master reigns, roemer yama secular 】 after this update, cho...