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《天使纪元》 新版本“诸神试炼”7日上线

"Angel era" new version "the gods tried" 7 online

2018-06-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

刘亦菲倾情代言的3D魔幻MMOARPG手游《天使纪元》新版本“诸神试炼”,今日上线。全新副本“灵魂秘境”开启1V30新模式,新力量“护盾”系统开启绝对防御,更有全新精灵“魔焰金刚”助力称霸王者大陆! 《天使纪元》全新版本“诸神试炼” 挑战“灵魂秘境” 赢海量极品道具 “灵魂秘境”的开启,让勇士们暂时放下了彼此的斗争,迎接新的挑战。灵魂秘境是诸神为“天使军团”准备的试炼场,达到相应等级才能解锁试炼章节;面对每章节30个BOSS的车轮战,勇士们须逐一击败才能通过试炼,晋级新的挑战! 《天使纪元》灵魂秘境章节 《天使纪元》“灵魂秘境”拥有诸神定下的法则,会根据勇士的表现...

L actually speak 3 d magic MMOARPG mobile game "angel era" new version "the gods tried", launched today. New copy of the "soul" land open 1 v30 new models, new power "shield" absolute defense system open, more new elf "fire kong power dominates the continent king!" "Angel era" new version "the gods tried" challenge "soul shakotan coast" & have spent Win huge amounts of gourmet items "soul shakotan coast" open, let the warriors temporarily put down each other's struggle, to meet new challenges. Soul shakotan coast is the gods for "angel corps" test field, to reach the corresponding level to unlock the trial section; In the face of every chapter 30 BOSS wheel war, warriors must can beat them one by one through the trial, advance a new challenge! "Angels era soul shakotan coast" chapters "angel era" shakotan coast "soul" with the law of the gods set, depending on the performance of the mighty...