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捞月狗携手众媒体挚友 探索游戏社交新道路

Search for moon dogs to join hands with media friends to explore new social networking paths

2018-06-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

当今社会,人们对“游戏”这个词汇已经非常不陌生,认知也越来越强。上到耄耋老人下到垂髫稚子,从三消游戏到益智游戏再到竞技游戏。从以前的误人子弟到如今的月入过万,游戏产业已经完完全全融入了当下人们的生活之中。伴随着游戏产业的发展,跟游戏相关的产业也得以兴起。 “陪玩”便是在这其中发展得非常快的游戏相关产业。时下最火爆的游戏IP如《绝地求生》、《英雄联盟》、《王者荣耀》等,几乎支撑起了陪玩行业的半边天。此前媒体曝光的仅王者荣耀产业就达到了几十亿之多。陪玩并不是传统的面对面、坐在一起,可能大家都天各一方,但是通过平台纽带关系,让大家能在一个游戏里开黑上分。作为提供数据查询的游戏社交平台捞月狗,就给...

In today's society, people are very familiar with the word "game" and their cognition is stronger and stronger. The old man went down to the old man, from three games to puzzle games and then to competitive games. The game industry has completely integrated into people's lives from the previous misleading children to the current monthly income of over 10000. With the development of the game industry, game related industries have also sprung up. "Accompany play" is a fast developing game related industry. The most popular games such as Jedi survival, League of heroes, and the glory of the king almost support the half sky of the entertainment industry IP. Before the media exposure, only the king glory industry reached billions of dollars. It's not the traditional face-to-face, sitting together, it's probably all the same, but through a platform bond, you can make a game in a game. As a game social platform to provide data query, the dog will give it to...

标签: 游戏 社交