新关注 > 信息聚合 > 万代南梦宫财报:净利润441亿 龙珠和海贼王表现突出

万代南梦宫财报:净利润441亿 龙珠和海贼王表现突出

Results: ten thousand generations south dream palace outstanding net profit 44.1 billion dragon ball and one piece

2017-06-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

本月,万代南梦宫娱乐发布了截至2017年3月底的年度财报数据,其中销售额6200亿日元(同比增长7.7%)、营业利润632亿日元(同比增长27.4%)、经常利润632亿日元(同比增长24.7%)、净利润441亿日元(同比增长27.7%)。本次财务的大幅增加主要归功于单机与手游的双线增长。 万代南梦宫娱乐,是由南梦宫和万代两家公司于2005年合并的,业务包含:网络内容(开发、企划、传输)、家庭游戏机、街机娱乐设施等。公司至今为止已经推出了诸多游戏和娱乐周边产品,公司旗下拥有《吃豆人》、《铁拳》、《太鼓达人》、《传说系列》、《皇牌空战》、《高达》等知名IP。 《太鼓达人》系列 ...

This month, ten thousand generations south dream palace entertainment released by the end of March 2017 annual report data, including sales of 620 billion yen (up 7.7%), the operating profit of 63.2 billion yen (up 27.4%), often profit of 63.2 billion yen (up 24.7%), net profit of 44.1 billion yen (up 27.7%). The increase of the financial mainly attributed to the single and the double increase mobile game. Ten thousand south dream palace entertainment, is made up of south dream palace and ten thousand generations of the two companies merged in 2005, the business include: web content (development, planning, transport), family game machine, arcade entertainment facilities, etc. Companies so far have introduced a lot of games and entertainment peripheral products, the company owns "the pac-man", "iron fist", "too drum", "legend series", "ace combat", "up" and so on well-known IP. "Too drum" series...