新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游密诚邀专家刘锐担任名誉顾问,助力游戏音视频极致体验


Dense mixed invites experts as consultants, acme power audio and video game experience

2017-06-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

刘锐,国内最早一批资深音视频专家,曾在技术一线实战十余载,从业领域横跨电力继电保护系统、嵌入式智能硬件、多媒体算法和移动互联网应用。2013年2月他率团队开始创业,第一个项目“连播影棒”功能创新,经国内最大众筹网站点名时间众筹成功并如期发货。随后再创立了朗空超级空气净化器,以极致的技术结合艺术的美感打造拯救世界室内空气的超级空气净化器,在第一财经《创客星球》电视众筹并成功上市。同时,刘锐也是创业帮扶组织“华山会”的创始人,一个免费帮助创业者分析项目对接投资人的非盈利组织,以及“IC咖啡”的发起人、阿拉善SEE环保公益组织会员。 除此之外,刘锐在音视频领域可谓是国内顶尖的专家。他曾担任...

Audio and video mixed, the earliest a batch of senior experts, a line of actual combat in technology more than 10 years, niche across power relay protection system, embedded intelligent hardware, multimedia algorithm and mobile Internet applications. Set up business in February 2013, the rate of his team, the first project "flow shadow bar" function innovation, by the most popular website call time raise the raise domestic success and delivery on schedule. Then created the lang empty super air purifier, with extreme technology combined with the aesthetic feeling of art building to save the world super air purifier, indoor air in the first finance and economics "and the guest star TV the raise and the successful listing. At the same time, mixed and entrepreneurship support group "huashan meeting", the founder of the free help entrepreneurs to analyze project docking investors of non-profit organizations, as well as the "IC coffee" sponsors, la shan's environmental protection commonweal organization members. In addition, mixed is domestic top experts in the field of audio and video. He served as a...

标签: 游戏 视频