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《变形金刚》争议中攒人气 爱恨参半的迈克尔贝

Saving sentiment "transformers" controversy Love, hate mixed Michael bay

2017-06-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

不知不觉,《变形金刚》真人版系列电影已开拍10年。23日,《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》登陆中国院线。对于铁杆粉丝来说,能在新电影中看到汽车人和霸天虎的创造者、宇宙大帝等初代动画中的经典设定的确颇具怀旧感,而擎天柱的黑化和所谓变形金刚早已融入地球历史的脑洞创新则成为这部暑期大制作的最新噱头。 篡改历史的套路 《变形金刚》真人版前四部总票房累计46亿美元,这让片方派拉蒙影业很有信心把这款热门IP打造成变形金刚宇宙,与迪士尼漫威宇宙、华纳DC超级英雄宇宙以及环球暗黑宇宙一争高下。《变形金刚5》延续前作,上一集谈及的变形金刚种族创造者终于亮相,汽车人首领擎天柱被洗脑黑化,与好兄弟大黄蜂和死对头...

Before you know it, "transformers" series of live-action film has been shot for 10 years. 23, the transformers 5: the last knight, "on the Chinese cinemas. For die-hard fans can see cars in the new film and the creator of the decepticons, unicron, the classic set in the original animation is indeed such as nostalgia, but optimus black and so-called "transformers" has long history into the earth's imagination innovation has become the latest gimmick of summer. Rewriting history of routines "transformers" live-action total box office total $4.6 billion, the piece side Paramount pictures is confident the popular IP into transformers universe, with Disney diffuse the universe, warner DC super hero and universal diablo universe. Transformers 5 "upon, a set of transformers creator race finally appeared, the autobots leader optimus prime brainwashed black, with good brothers hornet and Nemesis...