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“打赏”行为调查:为啥“打赏” 谁在“打赏”?

"Exceptional" behavior: why "exceptional" who "exceptional"?

2017-06-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

数据来源:人民网强国论坛 制图:张芳曼 微信公众号评论写得好,赏!直播平台上主播表演得好,赏!餐厅上菜店员服务得好,赏!如今,“打赏”对象越来越广泛。所谓“打赏”,指的是互联网用户对于网上发布、传播的原创文、图片、音频、视频等,直接进行金钱或是虚拟商品奖励,现在也延续到线下消费场景,消费者对优质服务额外付费,是一种新兴的、非强制的付费鼓励模式,让服务供需双方密切互动。“打赏”流行反映了怎样的社会心态?哪些“赏”是值得鼓励的?哪些“赏”需要防止变味?如何监管“打赏”? 谁在“打赏”? 从线上到线下,打赏越来越流行。作为一种新兴的互联网商业模式,其实质是赚粉丝的钱,对很多内容创业者而...

Source: People's Daily online powerhouses BBS drawing: Zhang Fangman WeChat public comments written well, enjoy! Live platforms anchor performance good, enjoy! Restaurants serving staff service well, enjoy! Today, the "exceptional" object is more and more widely. So-called "exceptional", refers to the spread of the Internet user for Posting, original text, images, audio, video, etc., directly for the money, or virtual goods reward, now also continue to offline consumption scenarios, consumers pay extra for good service, as a new, optional pay encouragement model, the service supply and demand both sides close interaction. "Exceptional" popular reflects the social mentality of how? What are the "reward" is worth encourage? What are the "reward" to prevent stale? How to regulate the "exceptional"? Who is in "exceptional"? From online to offline, playing more and more popular. As a new Internet business model, and its essence is the fans make money, to many entrepreneurs and content...