新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗夜女巫究竟有多强 皇室战争石头暗巫卡组推荐

暗夜女巫究竟有多强 皇室战争石头暗巫卡组推荐

The night the witch how strong The royal war stone dark wizard card group is recommended

2017-06-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

核心组合是石头人和暗夜女巫为中心,自从挑战赛出来以后,已经有不少大神安利过暗夜女巫有多强了,除了记住暗夜女巫可以单灭一座副塔外,其他的各种强势在这里就不一一赘述了,暗夜女巫这张牌既可攻有可守,尤其是制造出的蝙蝠和亡语产生的蝙蝠,让她变得非常棘手。 起手暗夜女巫沉底,桥头放置石头人,还能有多余的圣水进行适当的防御,对于这个组合很多人还是没有太明确和有效的方式去解,暂时遇到最多的方式是大电 建筑的方式,但亡语的蝙蝠仍然能和小石头人带上一波可观的伤害。 核心卡解析 戈仑石人:4级4256的生命值,移动速度慢,一次伤害259,爆炸195的伤害(可以杀死9级苍蝇),石头人就像胖子那样,是必须...

Core composition is stone and dark witch as the center, since the challenge to come out, there have been a lot of great god amway too dark witch how strong, in addition to remember the night witch can single out a pair of tower, all sorts of other strong here, not go one by one, dark witch this card can attack and defend, especially make the bat and dead bats, let her become very difficult. Hands dark witch tanked, place the bridge thing, also can have a proper defense, excess water for the combination of a lot of people still not too clear and effective way to solve, temporarily encounter the most way is the way big electricity construction, but the dead language bat can still and small thing with a wave of considerable damage. The core card parse GeLun golem: 4 4256 HP, speed slow, a trauma, 259, 195 explosion damage (grade can kill 9 flies), thing like fat, is a must...