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Palm boring card blockbuster the radiant burst "mobile game first revealed today

2017-05-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由掌趣科技集团旗下玩蟹科技研发的RPG二次元游戏《炸裂骑士团》今日曝光,游戏以新颖的整体世界观和特色玩法,带领玩家开启一段与外星文明之间的奇幻旅程。宇宙冒险、双重身份艺人打造、live2D技术AVG互动、神秘应援团等超多精彩玩法等你体验。更有国内一线CV燃情背书,让你彻底沦陷在调教艺人的美妙快感。 超能艺人太空战 招募炸裂骑士团 故事发生在遥远的地外文明——仙都帝国。小公主尤金妮亚的父王被同室篡位,自己也被迫逃亡宇宙,在一次叛军追杀之中,寡不敌众的仙都公主被迫使用“时空跃迁传送阵”而遇见了在地球生活的玩家,公主游说玩家和自己签订契约,承诺可以使用自己的超能力帮助玩家经营演艺社...

By palm boring technology corp., crab technology research and development of RPG secondary yuan game today revealed the radiant burst, the game in the world view and characteristic style of novel, leading players on a fantastic journey with alien civilization. Space adventures, artists create double identity, AVG live2D technology interaction, mysterious who group and so on more than meet you exciting gameplay experience. More domestic first-line CV, endorsed, let you thoroughly subjugate in set-up entertainer wonderful pleasure. Super powers artists space war Recruiting the radiant burst The story took place in faraway extraterrestrial civilizations - send the empire. Little princess princess eugenie's father is my roommates usurper, oneself also forced to flee the universe, in a rebel after outnumbered send the princess was forced to use "time-space transfer transition matrix" and players met in the earth's life, the princess lobbying the player and his contract, promise to use your own abilities to help players run acting club...

标签: 手游