新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀6月新皮肤曝光:韩信貂蝉新皮肤即将到来


King glory in June new skin exposure: han xin sable cicada new skin is yet to come

2017-05-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

王者荣耀6月份即将到来!在6月份中除了新英雄外,还有一大波皮肤正在等着大家!最新上线的就是刘邦的德古拉伯爵,然后有韩信KPL皮肤以及貂蝉的仲夏夜之梦!一起来看看即将到来的皮肤吧! 1、刘邦德古拉皮肤 刘邦的德古拉皮肤会在5月25号正式与大家见面哦!价格应该是788点券,吸血鬼伯爵带回家! 2、韩信KPL皮肤-逐梦之影 这个是本届KPL的限定皮肤,差不多KPL总决赛时候会出,所以时间应该是在6、7月份左右,价格应该跟之前貂蝉的逐梦之音差不多,788点券左右。 3、仲夏夜之梦(蝴蝶梦改名) 这是貂蝉的传说级别的皮肤,是由之前蝴蝶梦皮肤,据说皮肤...

King glory in June is coming! New hero in June, in addition, there are a great skin is waiting for you! The latest online is liu count dracula, then there is han xin KPL and sable cicada skin a midsummer night's dream! Take a look at the upcoming skin!!!! 1, Liu Bangde gura skin Liu bang dracula skin will formally on May 25th to meet with you! The price should be 788 point, count dracula home! & have spent 2, han xin KPL - the dream of skin This is the limit of the KPL skin, about KPL finals will be out, so the time should be controlled in June and July, the price should be with the voice of dream is the same as the before the sable cicada, around 788 point. & have spent 3, a midsummer night's dream (known) butterfly dream, this is the legend of the sable cicada levels of the skin, is made before the butterfly dream skin, skin is said to have...

标签: 王者荣耀