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前方不良熊出没 《跑跑卡丁车》全新神秘商店开张

Bad ahead of bears ", "mysterious new store opening

2016-11-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

小雪刚过,冬天不期而至。最近,飘起雪的繁荣山丘突然立起一座神秘兮兮的小屋。在诡秘的气场下,若隐若现着“神秘商店”四个歪歪扭扭的大字,这小屋的主人到底是谁?小屋里,又有些什么让人心跳加速的珍稀货呢? 【神秘商店全新玩法!不良熊妈妈登场!】 没人知道神秘商店的老板到底是谁。但可以确定的是,这家游戏币、酷币、金币通用的店内,绝对有让所有人都垂涎的珍稀商品!除了无限制宝宝、茜茜、吕布等经典角色外,四个世界主题新角色——无限制布莱恩、克莉丝、索菲亚、艾丽也统统上架;还有无限制迷你茜茜、迷你宝宝、海盗船长宠物等,可谓空前绝后。此外,淡紫色喷漆、炭黑喷漆、毒蛇炫光、霹雳炫光、特隆系列装备等各色装饰品也...

Light snow just passed, in the winter. Recently, the prosperity of drifting snow hill suddenly stand a secretive cabin. Under mysterious aura, is like concealed the "mysterious" four squiggly characters, who is the owner of this house? Hut, what let a person heart rate of rare and precious cargo? 【 mystery shop new gameplay! Bad mother bear!] No one knows the mysterious store who is boss. But what is clear is that the game currency, cool COINS, gold general store, absolutely let everyone coveted rare goods! In addition to baby unlimited, cc, lyu3 bu4 such classic role, four world theme new role - unlimited Brian, Chris, Sophia, ali also all stores; There are unlimited miniature sisi, a baby, pirate captain pets, is unprecedented. In addition, lavender spray paint, spray paint of carbon black, viper dazzle light, thunderbolt dazzle light, tron series equipment of all kinds adornment also...