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H5游戏行业迎Facebook回归 2017将再度爆发?

H5 game industry against Facebook back to 2017 to explode again?

2016-11-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据国外媒体报道,Facebook Messerge将于2016年11月底推出一项名为“即时游戏”(Instant Game)的服务,主要收录由第三方游戏开发团队打造的偏轻度的休闲类H5游戏。届时,用户通过异步PVP的方式,即可与平台内好友进行互动。 另有消息透露,已有很多游戏制作团队加入了“即时游戏”的内测之中。比如芬兰游戏公司King,目前正在对未来将进驻Instant Games的《迷你洗牌猫》进行内测。 美国知名科技博客TechCrunch的猜测,刚刚获得2175万美元融资的加拿大H5游戏开发商Big Viking Games,也可能会加入Instant Games开发者平台。...

According to foreign media reports, Facebook Messerge will be the end of November 2016 launched a program called "Instant" (Instant Game) services, mainly collected by a third party Game development team partial mild H5 leisure class games. At the appointed time, the user through the way of asynchronous PVP, can interact with platform in friends. Otherwise revealed, many game production team joined the "instant gaming" closed. King, such as Finland game company is currently in the future will be stationed in Instant Games "mini reshuffle cat" for beta testing. Speculation of the famous American TechCrunch, just get $21.75 million in financing of Canadian H5 game developer Big Viking Games, may also add Instant Games developer platform. ...

标签: 游戏 H5