新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360游戏携游戏角逐2016金翎奖两项大奖


360 competition game with 2016 Jin Ling prize awards

2016-11-11 01:56:05来源: 中关村在线

中国游戏产业最为权威的评选活动——第十一届年度优秀游戏评选大赛(金翎奖)将于2016年12月28日在厦门举行。作为“汇聚玩家所爱”的业界盛事,被誉为游戏界“奥斯卡”的金翎奖以其评选的权威性和公正性而受到游戏行业的广泛认同。 作为国内领先的游戏品牌,360游戏将携八款精品游戏参与角逐“...

Chinese game industry the most authoritative contest excellent game - the 11th annual contest (Jin Ling award) will be held in xiamen in December 28, 2016. As "convergence" players love industry event, "Oscar" has been hailed as the gaming world Jin Ling award for its authority and impartiality of the selection and widely recognized by the game industry. As a leading domestic game brand, 360 games will be there with eight high-quality goods game to compete "...

标签: 游戏