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When will the book? "Iron maiden" player fan fiction

2016-03-24 10:39:34来源: 17173

作为以拟人萌娘为主要元素的游戏,舰娘类游戏总能通过人设吸引到不少玩家。而相关同人更是不胜枚举。而随着近日手游《钢铁少女》开放测试,其中的舰娘也吸引了一些同人画师的关注。 今天,17173小编就为大家收集了一些玩家绘制的《钢铁少女》同人,不知道哪位玩家的作品更符合各位的胃口呢?我们来看...

As the personification of niang as the main elements of the game, ship niang games can always through, set to attract a lot of players. And all related people. As a mobile game "iron maiden" open test, the ship niang also caught the eye of some of the submission for the painter. Today, 17173 small make up to you to collect some of the players draw "iron maiden" fan, don't know which player works more in line with your appetite? Let's take a look at...

标签: 玩家