新关注 > 信息聚合 > 还记得吗?央视《电子竞技世界》终将回归


Do you remember? CCTV "electronic competitive world" will return

2015-10-23 15:26:10来源: TechWeb

大家还记得吗?2003年的时候,央视推出了一档游戏节目《电子竞技世界》,虽然很火爆,但一年后却遭遇了停播,直到今天也没有复播。 现在,《电子竞技世界》曾经的节目主持人段暄在出席某个活动时强调,游戏行业目前为朝阳行业,自己曾主持过的《电子竞技世界》必有复播之日。 段暄在发言中强调,20...

we remember? In 2003, CCTV launched a TV game show the electronic sports world ", although very hot, but after a year has suffered a hiatus until today there is no re broadcast. Now, "the world of electronic competition" has been the program director Duan Xuan attended an event, stressed that the game industry is currently in the morning sun industry, he has presided over the "electronic competitive world" will have the day of the broadcast. Duan Xuan stressed in his speech, 20...

标签: 电子竞技