新关注 > 信息聚合 > Steam计划进军中国市场 将接受人民币支付

Steam计划进军中国市场 将接受人民币支付

Steam plans to enter the Chinese market will accept Renminbi as payment

2015-10-23 15:26:10来源: 天极网

目前,大家熟知的PC游戏分发平台主要包括Valve(维尔福)的Steam,EA的Origin以及CD Project Red的GOG。今年8月份的时候,Steam的用户数创下1.25亿的新高,游戏数量突破6000款。10月18日的时候,1072万人同时在线也创出新纪录。如此火爆的游戏平台...

at present, known as the PC game distribution platform mainly includes steam valve (Villefort), the EA origin and CD project red Gog. In August of this year, the number of Steam users hit a new high of 125000000, the number of games to break through 6000. In October 18th, 10720000 people also created a new record online. Such a popular game platform...

标签: Steam