新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广州网吧推出美女陪玩服务 价格表流出

广州网吧推出美女陪玩服务 价格表流出

Guangzhou Internet cafes to launch beauty service price list play

2015-10-23 16:17:10来源: 07073游戏网

素来,美女都是大家关注的话题。而若是网吧明码标价推出有偿的美女陪玩服务,广大男性玩家将作何感想? 很多网友表示,“老板真会做生意”,而这样的服务“无伤大雅”,本来游戏往往和美女想挂钩的,陪玩也能让独自来到网吧游戏的玩家避免孤独。另外也有网友们质疑,这样的服务是否会触及相关政策规定。

net outflow, beauty is a topic of concern. And if the price paid Internet cafes launch beauty play service, the majority of male game player would feel? Many netizens said, "the boss really will do business, and such services" harmless ", originally games often and beauty wants to hook up, play can also let alone came to the Internet bar game players avoid loneliness. In addition, there are users questioned whether such services will hit the relevant policies and regulations.