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赵丽颖微博发声 入驻《龙门虎将》引粉丝轰动

Zhao Liying microblogging voice settled dragon tiger lead fans stir

2015-10-23 16:03:51来源: 电玩巴士

10月22日中午12点,赵丽颖在微博晒出《龙门虎将》代言照,还留言称:“是的你没看错,我#赵丽颖参军#啦,在@龙门虎将ol 的热(wei)情(bi)邀(li)请(you)下,我要披甲上阵了,还认证了#龙门虎将国战女神#的称号,从今以后,我不做女神,也不是女神经,我是女战神,做好准备,快来...

10 March 22 at noon on 12 points, Zhao Liying in micro Bo sun dragon tiger endorsement according to, also leave a message said: "is you're not wrong, I # Zhao Liying joined the army # anymore, @ dragon tiger ol of heat (Wei) intelligence (BI) invited Li () please (you), I to armored battle. Also the certification of the # Longmen tiger national war goddess # title. Henceforth, I don't do the goddess, also not a goddess by, I am female god of war, ready, come...