新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《画江山》上古之战即将打响 相约10月16日终极封测

《画江山》上古之战即将打响 相约10月16日终极封测

The painting Jiangshan "ancient war broke out soon meet October 16 ultimate beta

2015-09-18 10:30:10来源: 电玩巴士


by Shenzhen Sky Network Technology Co., Ltd. independent development and operation of Meng Q turn based online games of" landscape painting "has been well received by the majority of gamers love, not only is because the sprouting of picture, but also because there are many rich and interesting gameplay and interesting story in the game. In the golden age of autumn, "landscape painting" in the upcoming ultimate IC packaging and testing, not only can the game to optimize for players to get different visual enjoyment, but also new ancient battlefield...