新关注 > 信息聚合 > S5全球总决赛小组赛简介:战斗的号角即将吹响


S5 global finals group stage introduction: Battle of the bugle call is sounded

2015-09-17 13:50:01来源: 巴士LOL

从地区赛与季后赛一路浴血奋战,十六支顶尖豪强最终站在了2015全球总决赛的战场中央。小组赛的开启,意味着战斗的号角正式吹响。 我们在此整理了小组赛的对阵信息以及赛制等信息,以便各位及时跟上节奏。 2015全球总决赛分组: A组: Counter Logic Gaming, F...

from area game playoff with a bloody battle, 16 branch top powerful bullies finally stood in the 2015 world finals in the center of the field. The opening of the group stage, which means that the battle of the horn sounded. We finish the group stage of the information system and other information against you, in order to keep up with the rhythm. 2015 global finals group: A group: Logic Gaming F, Counter...