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梦幻本周热图 封系梦寐以求的最强灵饰

Dream of dream this week thermal sealing system the strongest spirit decorated the

2015-09-09 11:48:23来源: 17173

文章 摘要 本期的热图亮点不少,三速度灵饰,伤害和力量双加的宝宝装备,还有无级别武器!我们一起去看看吧! 本期的热图亮点不少,三速度灵饰,伤害和力量双加的宝宝装备,还有无级别武器!我们一起去看看吧! 据说是罗浮山服战天宫的灵饰,附加属性三条速度,基础属性法术防御。天宫的错乱...

abstract the Heatmap highlights a lot, three speed spirit decorated, plus double damage and strength of baby equipment, there was no weapons grade! Let's go and have a look! Thermography highlights the many, three speed spirit decoration, plus double damage and strength of baby equipment, there was no weapons grade! Shall we go and have a look! Is said to be the Luofu Mountain clothing decorated war Temple of the spirit, additional properties for the three speed, basic attribute magic defense. The temple of the...