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2020ChinaJoy圆满收官 多益网络多维度呈现游戏文化

2020chinajoy ends successfully Duoyi network presents game culture in multiple dimensions

2020-08-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人民网北京8月4日电(记者 胡挹工)7月31日,游戏行业一年一度的ChinaJoy(中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会)正式在上海拉开帷幕。全球各地近200家数字娱乐企业汇聚于此,带来了近千余款游戏和智能娱乐软硬件产品。 在这个游戏行业年度最重要的节点,多益网络以“玩变世界”为主题赴上海参加2020ChinaJoy,同时力促广东省游戏行业座谈会在上海圆满召开。多益并与中国移动咪咕音乐达成战略联盟合作,合作后首个项目《神武4》演唱会在线上举行,毛不易等知名歌手助阵。 多益网络的多方纵横,正如公司副总裁王如洁在中国国际数字娱乐产业大会上的演讲所言:游戏作为内容产业中的一员,应当积极利用自身的内容和技术优势,发现更多可能性。 玩变世界——点燃2020ChinaJoy盛会的全新魅力 本届ChinaJoy展会,多益网

Beijing, August 4 (reporter Hu Yigong) on July 31, the annual China joy (China International Digital Interactive Entertainment exhibition) of the game industry officially opened in Shanghai. Nearly 200 digital entertainment enterprises from all over the world gathered here, bringing nearly 1000 games and intelligent entertainment software and hardware products. At the most important node of the game industry of the year, Duoyi network went to Shanghai to participate in 2020 China joy under the theme of "changing the world by playing", and urged the successful holding of Guangdong game industry forum in Shanghai. Duoyi and China Mobile Migu music reached a strategic alliance cooperation. After the cooperation, the first project "Shenwu 4" concert was held online, with the help of famous singers such as Mao Buyi. As Wang Rujie, vice president of the company, said in his speech at the China International Digital Entertainment Industry Conference, games, as a member of the content industry, should actively use their own content and technology advantages to find more possibilities. Changing the world by playing

标签: 游戏 ChinaJoy