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仙剑6支持Win10吗 仙剑6Win10注意事项

Legend 6 support Win10 legend 6Win10 attention matters

2015-08-02 12:40:53来源: TechWeb

随着win10系统的发布,很多玩家也想更新换代,但是不知道仙剑6这款游戏是否支持win10系统,今天小编为大家讲解一下! 《仙剑奇侠传6》这款作品是支持win10系统的,但是在升级系统前需要反激活游戏,升级后再重新激活游戏。务必要反激活后再升级系统,否则你需要重购买激活码! 补充: ...

with release of win10 system, a lot of players want to update, but do not know whether the game Legend of 6, support system win10, today Xiaobian for you explain! "Paladin 6" this work is support system win10 but in front of the upgrade system need anti activate the game, after the upgrade re activate the game. Be sure to reverse the system, or you'll need to purchase the activation code:...