新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大事科技CEO梅良专访 体育与轻娱乐相结合

大事科技CEO梅良专访 体育与轻娱乐相结合

Big technology CEO plum good interview with sports and light entertainment combination of sina

2015-08-03 11:21:38来源: 新浪


2015 China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exhibition (ChinaJoy) will be in 2015 July 30 to August 2, at the Shanghai New International Expo Center held a grand. Big technology has been committed to build the first brand of Chinese game, this time with "NBA" hero masterpiece debut ChinaJoy2015. Reporter interviewed Mr. Mei Liang, Mr., for the game and the future development of the company to do the relevant...