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更新时间落定 《花千骨手游》新版7月30日上线

Update time settles the spend thousands of bone Tour "version on July 30, on-line

2015-07-24 15:04:59来源: 4399

电视剧传来好消息,本周将会六集连播,骨迷们可以一次性畅快看完6集也是很爽的呐。同时花千骨手游新版本将会于7月30日正式上线!真可谓是双喜临门,一起来看看吧! 在不得已做出跳票的决定后,研发人员在原有的更新内容中加入了新的内容。 除开原有的: 1:超强灵宠,增加的三个橙色宠物,白子画...

drama came the good news, this week Saturday will serially, bone fans can disposable fun watching 6 set is also very cool Na. While spending thousands of bone hand tour of new version will be formally launched on July 30! True it may be said is double happiness, together and see it! After make a last resort bounced decision, R & D personnel in the original update content joined the new content. Apart from the original: 1: super spirit pet, three orange pet increased, albinopainting...

标签: 手游